Fitness Center Rules and Regulations


Access Card

Access to the Fitness Center is controlled by coded card key entry. Members must use their Southwestern identification card to enter the facility. 

The Fitness Center is open to Southwestern students, faculty, staff, and recently graduated alumni at no fee. Membership may be obtained by completing the membership and waiver forms in the Fitness Center or the Administrative Services Office. Completed forms must be returned to the Office of Administrative Services for processing and identification card encoding.

Current Students may find details regarding the Fitness Center (hours, waiver release form, rules and regulations, etc.) on  (log-in required).


Members are required to provide their own towels for use in Fitness Center workout areas and bathrooms for both personal hygiene and the hygiene of others. Members are required to use their towels to wipe down cardiovascular, weight circuit, and free weight equipment immediately after each use. 

Rules and Regulations

1. Only Southwestern students, faculty, staff and alumni may be members of and utilize the Fitness Center. Visitors are not permitted.

2. Members who participate in the Fitness Center will be doing so at their own risk. Southwestern University is not responsible for any injury that may occur to individuals participating in any exercise activity. Participation in exercise activity is on a voluntary basis. 

3. Members are required to sign in at the reception desk for each visit to the Fitness Center. All members must also present their own valid student, faculty, staff, or alumni identification card to use the Center.

4. The Southwestern Fitness Center is intended to give members a clean, safe and enjoyable place to exercise for general fitness purposes. Bodybuilders and some highly-conditioned athletes may find that this facility is not sufficient for their workout goals, and it is therefore suggested that another facility may better suit the needs of this special population.

5. Attire: 

  • Proper athletic attire must be worn at all times.
  • Tennis shoes must be worn at all times.
  • Absolutely no sandals, open toed or open-backed shoes are permitted.
  • T-shirts must be worn.
  • No jeans or jean shorts allowed.

6. Food is not permitted in the Fitness Center. No gum is allowed.

7. Water, Gatorade or sports drinks are permitted provided they are in a sealable, plastic container.

8. Radios and tape or CD players are not permitted unless they are personal units (such as a “Walkman”) equipped with headphones.

9. Students are required to behave according to the rules and regulations on the Institutional Polices page. Faculty are required to behave according to the rules and policies identified in the Faculty Manual. Staff members are required to behave according to the rules and policies identified in the Employee Handbook.

10. Smoking and tobacco products are not permitted in the Fitness Center.

11. The Fitness Center is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

12. Members are required to pick up after themselves and discard trash and remove personal items.

13. For safety reasons, personal items, bags, and other items are to be stored in lockers only and not on the Fitness Center floor.

14. All members must wipe down cardio and weight room equipment after each use. Paper towels and disinfecting spray is available for use.

15. Weight Area Etiquette:

  • Use of chalk is not permitted.
  • Other members must be allowed to “work in” between sets.
  • Return weights to the tree or rack.
  • Weights may not be set against the wall, mirror, benches, or other equipment.
  • Weights or dumbbells may not be dropped on the floor or benches.

16. Cardiovascular Area Etiquette:

  • During busy times or whenever someone is waiting for a machine, observe the 30-minute time limit on all cardiovascular equipment.
  • Wipe down equipment after each use.

17. Report damaged equipment immediately to Fitness Center Assistant.

18. Report unsafe exercise or bathroom conditions immediately to the Fitness Center Assistant.

19. Report injuries immediately to the Fitness Center Assistant.

20. The Fitness Center reserves the right to refuse service to any member who violates any rule or regulation or engages in any verbal and/or physical abuse of the Fitness Center staff or members.

21. The Fitness Center Assistant on duty is ultimately responsible for enforcing all rules, regulations, and procedures. If at any time a member does not comply with the rules and/or the assistant on duty, the member will be asked to leave, and/or his/her fitness center privileges will be revoked. The Fitness Center Assistant on duty has the right to enlist the help of Campus Security whenever these situations arise.

22. Any formal problems, questions, or concerns regarding Southwestern’s Fitness Center should be submitted via e-mail to Please clearly indicate the issue being addressed, and be sure to include your name and phone number. All e-mails will be carefully reviewed.